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Fresh fruits

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The A.D.D. Nutrition Solution: A Drug-Free Thirty-Day Plan

Marcia Zimmerman, C.N.
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Sulfur dioxide Sulfiting agents, a group of preservatives that includes sulfur dioxide, are found in many foods, from fresh fruits and vegetables to beer and wine. Inhalation of sulfiting agents destroys vitamin Bi and can cause flushing, hypotension, asthmatic wheezing, and tingling sensations. Tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) This antioxidant contains petroleum-derived butane. TBHQ is used either alone or in combination with the antioxidant/preservatives BHT or BHA. The ingestion of one gram of this antioxidant has caused vomiting, ringing in the ears, delirium, and collapse.

Consumer's Dictionary of Food Additives: A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients Vitamin E

Ruth Winter
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A chewing-gum base and coating for fresh fruits and vegetables. Pinene (see) has the same toxicity as turpentine. RESORCINOIL • A preservative, antiseptic, antifungal agent, astringent, and anti-itching agent, particularly in dandruff shampoos. Also used in hair dyes, lipsticks, and hair tonics; in tanning, explosives, printing textiles, and the manufacture of resins. Obtained from various resins. Resorcinol's white crystals become pink on exposure to air. A sweetish taste. Irritating to the skin and mucous membranes. May cause allergic reactions, particularly of the skin.
Used to dilute color, as a solvent, and as a protective coating for eggshells, fresh fruits, and vegetables. A human poison if injected into the vein. Chronic exposure may cause headache, lack of appetite, dizziness, and other symptoms of intoxication. The FDA permits its use at a level not in excess of the amount reasonably required to accomplish intended use. 1,2-BENZISOTHIAZOL-3 (2H)-ONE-1,1-DIOXIDE • Benzosulfimide. Zaha-rina. Saccharina. Saccharin Acid. Sucrette. Saccarinose. White crystals or powder, odorless with a sweet taste. Used as a masticatory substance in chewing-gum base.
They have the potential for even wider use, particularly with fresh fruits and vegetables sold at retail. These methods rely on inhibiting microbial growth by excluding oxygen or by inhibitory concentrations of carbon dioxide. Among other sterilizing techniques: Irradiated Food When food is irradiated, it is loaded onto a conveyor belt and passed through a radiation cell where it is showered with beams of ionizing radiation produced by high radioactive isotopes.
Any food may cause an allergic reaction, but the most common offenders are milk, fish, shellfish, mollusks, soybeans, chicken, nuts, berries, eggs, peanuts, and fresh fruits such as peaches and apples. The only specific treatment for food allergy is avoidance, but escaping a food allergen in the form of a hidden additive is not simple. For example, if you were allergic to corn, you would have to avoid corn sugar, dextrose, and corn syrup. You would have to know that they are used in maple, nut, and root beer flavorings for beverages, ice cream, ices, candy, and baked goods.
PROTECTIVE COATINGS • Antioxidants and preservatives that are used in goat cheeses and fresh fruits and vegetables to retard spoilage. The coatings may expose consumers to hidden antibiotics or coal-tar products. Among the coating additives used are anoxomer, calcium disodium and disodium EDTA, cournarone-indene resin, ethoxyquin, morpholine, natamycin, petroleum naphtha, polyacryl-amide, synthetic paraffin and succinic derivatives, and terpene resin (see all). Citrus fruits, squash, grapes, sweet potatoes, asparagus, melons, papaya, plantain, turnips, watermelons, and nuts are commonly coated.

Food Politics

Marion Nestle
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With this kind of pricing distribution, food companies are more likely to focus on developing added-value products than to promote consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly because opportunities for adding value to such foods are limited. Marketers can add value to fruits and vegetables by selling them frozen, canned, or precut, but even the most successful of such products—prepackaged and branded "baby" carrots, salad mixes, and precut fruit—raise consumer concerns about freshness and price.
Even though the FDA had exempted fresh fruits and vegetables from the regulation, the National Food Processors Association objected that the rule would exclude foods such as green beans, raisins, and apple juice from being designated as healthy because their content of certain vitamins and minerals was not high enough.25 The rule stuck, but the complaints continued. As shown in Table 31, the food-labeling rules also affected dietary supplements. They permitted just one claim—that calcium supplements could reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Herbal Defense

Robyn Landis
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Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables—at least three of each a day. • Limit refined carbohydrates, saturated fats, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats (including margarine), and foods with stimulants, drugs, hormones, and chemicals. • Try to eat as few animal products, especially meats, as possible. • Organically grown is better whenever possible—it's worth the cost not to consume chemicals whose effects no one really knows. Dr.
It would mean increasing your intake of whole grains, legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables; getting plenty of fresh, clean water, rest, relaxation, and quality sleep; doing moderate exercise; and experiencing as much genuine joy, happiness, and self-expression as you can manage. Certainly that's a lot of things to do, and it may seem overwhelming if all of those areas need work right now. But the nice thing about this concept of reducing the negative and increasing the positive is that it's a process. You can feel good about every step you take.

Herbal Medicine, Healing and Cancer: A Comprehensive Program for Prevention and Treatment

Donald R. Yance, j r.,C.N., M.H., A.H.G., with Arlene Valentine
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Many homes today have replaced fresh fruits and vegetables with prepackaged foods that have been sitting in boxes, cans, cartons, or freezers for weeks. Tasting the difference between condensed frozen orange juice and freshly squeezed juice from organic oranges is proof positive of the superior value of fresh foods. Not only is the flavor sweeter and more delicious, but all the nutrients are at their freshest and most potent. This is true for all foods. Botanically, there are nine vegetable families: 1. Cabbage/mustard (Brassaceae) 2. Lettuce/sunflower {Asteraceae) 3.
Juicing Juicing is a wonderful and easy way to absorb a concentrated form of fresh fruits and vegetables. Many cancer clinics around the world use juice therapy as part of their treatment programs. The Gerson program was one of the first to emphasize freshly made juices for treating people with cancer. Juicing provides the most easily digestible and concentrated nutritional benefits of fruits and vegetables by eliminating much of the work of the body's digestive process. Carrots, beets, apples, celery, and dark leafy greens are the most commonly used vegetables for juicing.

Age Erasers for Men: Hundreds of Fast and Easy Ways to Beat the Years

Doug Dollemore, Mark Giuliucci and the Editors of Men's Health Magazine
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Fiber is easy to obtain in your diet if you include whole foods such as whole-wheat bread, beans, peas and fresh fruits and vegetables," says Grabowski. For additional fiber, pick up a box of oat bran at the grocery store and sprinkle it on yogurt, ice cream, fruit, cereal and salad. Use it in place of bread crumbs in meat loaf or stuffings or as a thickener for soups, stews and sauces. Or substitute oat bran for white flour in baked goods. Read labels carefully. Don't assume that a product with the word fiber, bran or oats in its title necessarily has the fiber content you're looking for.

Hormone Deception

D. Lindsey Berkson
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Also think about putting fresh fruits and vegetables in a paper or string bag at the supermarket rather than in the thin plastic bags that are provided. The more flexible the plastic, the more plasticizer is in it. At least, as a number of scientists I interviewed suggest, take the food out of the bags once you get home. Water, Water Everywhere There is nothing more basic to life than water (except air). Our bodies are made largely of water. Fruits and vegetables are mostly water. We should drink a good quantity of water each day.

Age Erasers for Men: Hundreds of Fast and Easy Ways to Beat the Years

Doug Dollemore, Mark Giuliucci and the Editors of Men's Health Magazine
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Don't forget your fresh fruits and vegetables," advises Grabowski. Legumes, beans, peas, salads and fruits can add a lot of that much-needed fiber to your diet. To get some extra fiber, select fruits that have edible seeds, such as strawberries and kiwis, suggests Grabowski. (continued on page 422) Getting Enough: It's Easier Than You Think Do 25 grams of fiber a day seem impossible to consume? Not if you know where to get them. Here's some help. Food Portion Fiber (g.) Breads and Bread Products Whole-wheat 1 slice 2.1 Pumpernickel 1 slice 1.9 English muffin 1 1.

Living Downstream

Sandra Steingraber
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In 1991, the USDA itself began collecting data on pesticide residues in certain fresh fruits and vegetables. According to its latest report, the USDA's Pesticide Data Program, using more sensitive tests, found 10,329 detectable residues on 7,328 samples. Actual violations were discovered in 1.3 percent of domestically grown commodities and 2.4 percent of imported fruits and vegetables. "These data reinforce the fact that the Nation's food supply is one of the safest in the world," according to the report's opening paragraph. These percentages do look reassuring.

Miracle Medicine Foods

Rex Adams
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Jon Evans of England has reported excellent results in countless cases with extract of the herb greater celandine (10 to 12 drops in a glass of water after each meal) with a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat, and no sweets, starches, fried foods, eggs or fat, and dandelion coffee instead of pure coffee.5 Sage tea has a sedative effect (a fourteenth-century writer claimed that it cured his palsy: "My hand is as steady as it was at fifteen") is antiseptic, and purifies the liver and kidneys, according to Father Kneipp, the famous European herbalist.
High fiber foods, including fresh fruits, nuts, vegetables, seeds, cereals with bran, and whole wheat bread, may be regarded as miracle medicine foods for constipation. Even more remarkable, studies have shown that high fiber foods can help prevent conditions such as gallstones, stomach ailments and circulatory problems, including hemorrhoids and varicose veins! Like A Prayer Answered! Mrs. V.E. reports: "Since losing a tremendous amount of weight (from 230 to 110) I have had trouble with my bowels. I was usually constipated and when I did go I had to strain so hard my face turned beet red.
He was put on a low fat diet (lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables—no butter, eggs, cream, gravy, starches, or processed cheeses). In two weeks, his hearing returned to normal! * Mr. J.D. complained of deafness and a ringing noise in his ear for many years. When he began to use lots of soybean lecithin every day, suddenly the ringing stopped and his hearing cleared! He is so happy that he plans to keep using this miracle medicine food that improves circulation and cleans out fat-encrusted veins and arteries, causing sudden hearing improvement in many cases!
To the best of my ability, I avoid sugar, coffee, chemicals, overly processed foods, and White flour, but include fresh fruits and vegetables, vitamins, bran, and eat less meat and more non-meat protein. Every day I thank God that my life has turned around from a bed-ridden cripple to a useful contributing citizen." Cherry Juice For Arthritis! Cherries may bring you amazing relief from arthritis—without drugs. All-day, all-night relief that seems permanent, in many cases. Ludwig W. Blau, M.D.
But plenty of garlic foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables, will reportedly make the blood redder, causing these eye shadows to fade away. In addition, garlic foods soothe the liver—which always brightens the complexion—help make fatty deposits melt away, and have a "tonic," tightening or bracing effect on loose, flabby skin. As the skin firms up, wrinkles and creases fade away. Garlic is diuretic (i.e., it gently stimulates sluggish kidneys), and the high potassium content of garlic and the foods with which it is eaten help the body excrete excess fluids.
Morrison places lecithin at the top of the list in a heart-food program of lean meats, soft fats (those that are liquid at room temperature, such as most vegetable oils), fish, poultry, fresh fruits and vegetables, all cooked or dry cereals, whole wheat bread, most natural syrups and honey, and fat-free beverages. He says to include 'Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1958.

Natural Prescriptions: Dr. Giller's Natural Treatments & Vitamin Therapies For Over 100 Common Ailments

Robert M. Giller, M.D.
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Concentrate on increasing your consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables: You should eat four servings daily. You'll also be increasing your fiber intake, which is very useful in lowering cholesterol levels: It decreases LDL levels while increasing HDL levels. The best way to get adequate amounts of fiber is to eat oat bran cereal for breakfast. There are certain foods that have been shown to be helpful in lowering cholesterol and preventing the development of atherosclerosis. They include onions and garlic, which have been shown to decrease the tendency for blood to clot after a fatty meal.
Sulfites are no longer sprinkled on salads and fresh fruits but you can still find them in beer, wine, shrimp, and dried fruits like apricots. The various types of sulfites include sulfur dioxide, sodium or potassium sulfite, bisulfite, and metabisulfite. Incredibly, sulfites can also be an ingredient in many drugs that are used to treat asthma. Avoid aspirin and aspirin-containing drugs as well as ibuprofen. Many asthmatics are sensitive to aspirin and reactions can be severe. Even if you've never had a reaction before, you could suddenly develop one.
Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grain breads and cereals. • Investigate the possibility of food allergies. See Food Allergy, page 146, for more information. If you have no success dealing with this on your own, see a doctor who specializes in nutritional medicine. Once you've identified a food allergy, you must be scrupulous in eliminating it from your diet. You may find that you're allergic to several foods or a whole category, such as dairy foods. • Take special daily care of your skin and follow the skin care guidelines given above.
Even though some fresh fruits can be expensive, especially in winter, they're really no more expensive than many other snacks that are loaded with sugar and saturated fats. Don't forget salads: Try to have one a day (and remember to make your own dressing using low-fat ingredients). In addition to these dietary shifts, I usually recommend that my patients take a teaspoon of miller's bran daily, or more if they have constipation. • Shift the main source of your protein from meat to fish, poultry, and soy products, including tofu and soybeans.
Increase the fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. This will increase the amounts of vitamins C and E—the known antioxidants. Supplements of vitamin C and vitamin E have proven to be helpful as well. Supplements of beta-carotene—the antioxidant that the body turns into vitamin A—will help to repair the damage that the free radicals inflict. Another nutrient that will help slow the development of macular degeneration is zinc.

Rapid Healing Foods

Ben Davis
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To eat but a small amount of these acid-forming foods and a very much larger amount of the vegetables, the raw salads and fresh fruits, is to furnish both base-forming and acid-forming materials to the system in about the proportion in which they are continually lost through the body's processes. "If the sufferer from allergies—whether food or pollen— would adopt this ratio of acid-forming (20 percent) to base-forming foods (80 percent) as a daily habit in eating, it would not be long until the former evidences of acid-alkali imbalance would disappear," says Dr. Hay.

Herbal Medicine, Healing and Cancer: A Comprehensive Program for Prevention and Treatment

Donald R. Yance, j r.,C.N., M.H., A.H.G., with Arlene Valentine
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Eat more raw foods and fresh fruits in the warmer months (during the spring, summer, and early fall) such as fresh salad greens, apricots, peaches, plums, cherries, and nectarines. During the colder months of fall and winter, eat more cooked foods, root vegetables, apples, and pears, as well as cooked greens like kale, brussels sprouts, and collard greens. After the first frost, these foods take on a whole new wonderful taste. Nature prepares certain foods to be ready at the exact time that we need them.

Radical Healing: Integrating the World's Great Therapeutic Traditions to Create a New Transformative Medicine

Rudolph M. Ballentine, M.D.
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The foods considered sattvic were fresh fruits, vegetables, rice, beans, nuts, and seeds—and milk from healthy, contented animals. Whether such foods lead to a clear, alert, sattvic state of consciousness will depend on whether you select and take them in the proper proportion for your current needs. Even the most ideal foodstuffs must be put through the filter of your constitutional type and requirements of the moment. When that's done, and the food meshes perfectly with the state of your being, an electrifying resonance occurs that energizes and awakens.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Biological Measures:

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...and Supplements:

...and Flaxseed oil
...and Spirulina
...and Fish oil
...and Coenzyme q10

...and Properties:

...and Anti-inflammatory
...and Oxidation
...and Calming
...and Antimicrobial
...and Antiseptic
...and Relieves
...and Antifungal

Related Concepts:

Fruits and vegetables
Whole grains
Vitamin C
Immune system
Vitamin A
Vitamin E
Dairy products