Bradley J. Willcox, D. Craig Willcox, and Makoto Suzuki See book keywords and concepts | The solution is to buy 100 percent cranberry juice (available at health food stores) or to make your own cranberry juice with a juicer. If you feel that you need to add sugar to make it palatable, use a healthy sugar or dilute the concentrated juice with two or three times its volume of apple juice.
Echinacea. This purple cornflower root has moved beyond its former status of a simple home remedy for flus and colds. Scientific evidence shows that it actually may work.87,89 People who take echinacea recover from colds and flus more quickly. | Phyllis A. Balch, CNC See book keywords and concepts | Depression
Apple, banana, blueberry, cranberry, lemon, papaya, peach, pineapple.
Best: alfalfa, flaxseed oil, garlic, St. John's wort (herbal extracts). Also, S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), spirulina.
Good: cat's claw, ginkgo biloba, gotu kola, parsley, Siberian ginseng, slippery elm (herbal extracts). Also, aloe vera juice, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), lecithin, selenium, zinc.
Best: all leafy greens, Brussels sprouts. No fruit juices.
Good: asparagus, broccoli, celery, green bean, green pepper, kale, kohlrabi, spinach, turnip green. | Best: apple, cranberry.
Good: lemon, mango, papaya, grape, grapefruit, kiwi, pineapple.
Best: eucalyptus, chickweed, ephedra (ma huang), garlic, lobelia, mullein, myrrh, pau d'arco (herbal extracts). Also, flaxseed oil.
Good: astragalus, bayberry, calendula flower, cayenne, echinacea, fennel seed, fenugreek, ginger root, ginkgo biloba, horehound, Iceland moss, licorice root, marshmallow, peppermint leaf, parsley, skullcap (herbal extracts). Also, primrose oil.
Attention deficit disorder (ADD)/ attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
All fresh vegetable juices.
No fruit juices. | Unsweetened cranberry juice prevents bacteria from adhering to the lining of the bladder, prohibiting infection.
Coffee, black tea, carbonated sodas, and alcohol are irritating to the bladder and should be avoided.
Drinking at least 8 glasses of quality water each day promotes a healthy urinary tract.
If you must take antibiotics for a bladder infection, use acidophilus to replace friendly bacteria. For a natural antibiotic, use colloidal silver or goldenseal. | Soda Pop"
% cup sparkling water
Va cup of any of the following: cranberry, apple, or cherry juice concentrate; fresh lemon, lime, or any other fruit juice
Barley malt or other sweetener to taste
Pour the water into a glass or pitcher, add the fruit juice and sweetener, and stir to blend. If desired, add the cinnamon or sassafras and stir again. Serve immediately.
Variation: Instead of using fruit juice or fruit juice concentrate, soak two cinnamon sticks or one piece of sassafras bark in the sparkling water overnight. Add a sweetener and, if desired, V2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract. | Key nutrients in cranberry beans include protein, fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, vitamin B, (thiamine), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), folate, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, and small amounts of lipids and amino acids. Phytochemicals include beta-carotene.
Fava Beans
These large, lima-shaped beans have a granular texture and robust, slightly bitter flavor. Also called broad beans, they have tough skins and need to be peeled before eating. They go well with zesty herbs and other pungent ingredients. | Bill Gottlieb See book keywords and concepts | If you can't find fresh or frozen berries, "be sure to use unsweetened cranberry concentrate, not bottled cranberry juice, since most brands are loaded with sugar or corn syrup, which encourages the buildup of yeast," she cautions. And because even fresh berry juices are rich in natural fruit sugars, she suggests diluting four ounces of juice with an equal amount of water to get an eight-ounce serving.
She also recommends juicing a clove of fresh garlic and adding it to your vegetable juices. "Nothing prevents yeast overgrowth as well as garlic does," says Dr. Gillaspie. |
Natural Prescriptions: Dr. Giller's Natural Treatments & Vitamin Therapies For Over 100 Common AilmentsRobert M. Giller, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | FOR TREATMENT:
• cranberry juice concentrate or cranberry concentrate capsules. Take one capsule three times a day with an eight-ounce glass of water.
• Buffered vitamin C: 500 mg. every four hours for the duration of the infection and cut down to 1,000 to 1,500 mg. daily for a maintenance dose once the infection has cleared.
• Bioflavonoids: 1 g. daily.
• Vitamin A: 25,000 I.U. daily during the infection.
• Zinc: 50 mg. daily. | Gary Null See book keywords and concepts | In fact, studies reveal that as little as 15 ounces of cranberry juice cause an 80 percent inhibition of bacterial growth. Bacteria loses its ability to cling to the bladder wall, and must exit the system along with urine. Other research indicates that cranberry juice combined with vitamin C acidifies the urine further. The effect is therefore much greater when both are taken together.
Other drinks useful for temporarily acidifying the urine include lemon juice and water, buttermilk, or simply mixing two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water. | Mark Blumenthal See book keywords and concepts | At high levels of consumption (50 to 133 fluid ounces or 1,500 to 4,000 ml per day) cranberry may act as a urinary antiseptic (Blatherwick, 1914; Blatherwick and Long, 1923; Fellers et al, 1933; Nickey, 1975; Kinney and Blount, 1979; Bodel et al, 1959; Bone and Morgan, 1999).
In vitro
Urinary tract effects
Inhibited adherence of Escherichia coli to uroepithelial cells (Sobota, 1984); inhibited adherence for gram-negative rods (Schmidt and Sobota, 1988); inhibited adherence of urinary E. | Phyllis A. Balch, CNC See book keywords and concepts | We all recognize the standard, pinto, lima, navy, and red beans that Mom served, but there is a new generation of legumes, such as cranberry, fava, and mung beans, that offer variety as well as a complete protein.
Adzuki Beans
Also called azuki or aduki, these small tender red beans, native to the Orient, are often added to brown rice dishes. Their delicate, sweet flavor goes well with soups (they are delicious in barley soup), casseroles, salads, stir-fry dishes, bean cakes, and pasta dishes. The adzuki bean is a popular staple in the macrobiotic diet. | Velma J. Keith and Monteen Gordon See book keywords and concepts | Diet: Real Food Diet, Juice Fast, Mild Food Diet, Chlorophyll or Green Drink, Aloe Vera Juice, cranberry juice, or cranberry apple juice, Lemon juice, Water melon juice. Apple Cider Vinegar 2 Tb. to 1 glass water with meals.
—Drink juice of V2 fresh lemon in 8 ounce glass of water every V2 hour or hour until pain subsides. Can alternate lemon juice and apple juice.
—Take kidney combination. (See also Kidneys this chapter)
—Take Pain Combination.
—1000 mg. Vitamin C every hour.
—Take warm catnip enema when pain subsides.
—It takes 5 to 14 hours to dissolve stones. | Carol Krucoff and Mitchell Krucoff, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Select higher-calorie foods. Pick cranberry juice over orange juice (170 calories versus 110 calories], granola over Cheerios (700 versus 100 calories], corn over green beans (140 versus 40 calories].
4. Drink lots of juice and milk. Instead of "no-calorie" water, quench your thirst with calorie-laden beverages such as cranberry-apple, grape, or pineapple juice. Boost the caloric value of milk by mixing in malt powder, Ovaltine, Carnation Instant Breakfast, or other flavorings.
As for supplements, both nutritionists say: Food first. | Mark Bricklin See book keywords and concepts | Galland is one of many doctors who believe that cranberry juice is helpful in preventing and clearing up infections. "Cranberry juice is unique and good because it contains hippuric acid, which inhibits the growth of bacteria," he says. Fresh cranberries ground up in a blender and mixed into juice or yogurt can bring about good results as well.
Some doctors have found that vitamin C can help urinary problems. One condition it has been used for is urethritis—irritation of the male urethra—caused by phosphatic crystals. Stephen N. Rous, M.D. |
Natural Prescriptions: Dr. Giller's Natural Treatments & Vitamin Therapies For Over 100 Common AilmentsRobert M. Giller, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | FOR TREATMENT:
• cranberry juice concentrate or cranberry concentrate capsules. Take one capsule three times a day with an eight-ounce glass of water.
• Buffered vitamin C: 500 mg. every four hours for the duration of the infection and cut down to 1,000 to 1,500 mg. daily for a maintenance dose once the infection has cleared.
• Bioflavonoids: 1 g. daily.
• Vitamin A: 25,000 I.U. daily during the infection.
• Zinc: 50 mg. daily. | Velma J. Keith and Monteen Gordon See book keywords and concepts | Note: As a preventative drink juice of V2 lemon in glass of warm water first thing each morning, drink cranberry juice or cranberry apple juice each day. | Ruth Winter, M.S. See book keywords and concepts | C-PARETHS • Emulsifiers from Carboxylic Acid or Phosphoric Acid (see both). cranberry • Several low, berry-bearing shrubs related to the blueberry, native to Northern Eurasia and North America. The American cranberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon, is cultivated in Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Wisconsin. Used in "organic" cosmetics.
CRANE'S BILL EXTRACT • The extract of wild geranium, Geranium macula-turn, or other native geranium species. See Geranium Oil. CRATAEGUS • The extract of the berries, flowers, and/or leaves of the English Hawthorn, Crataegus oxyacantha. | Bill Gottlieb See book keywords and concepts | Juice Therapy
For those prone to kidney stones, cranberry is the juice of choice, says naturopathic physician Michael Murray, N.D., author of The Complete Book of Juicing. He explains that high levels of urinary calcium have been linked to kidney stones and that cranberry juice reduces the amount of calcium in your urine. He recommends two eight-ounce glasses daily as a preventive. Of course, if you develop kidney stones, see your physician immediately, he says.
For information on juicing techniques, see page 93. | Gale Maleskey See book keywords and concepts | Also, it may be preferable to avoid taking cranberry extract at the same time, Dr. Hudson cautions, since arbutin works best in a nonacidic environment. You can take cranberry afterward to prevent recurring infections, she says. Pregnant women should avoid uva-ursi completely because it may bring on uterine contractions.
Uva-Ursi Knocks Out Bad Bacteria
For mora than 1,000 years, people around the world have treated urinary troubles with the leaves of uva-ursi. | David Hoffman, FNIMH, AHG See book keywords and concepts | Since sugar consumption is a predisposing factor for cystitis, unsweetened cranberry juice is recommended.
Here is some general advice that should be followed both during active infection and to prevent recurrent cystitis, especially for those prone to these infections.
Avoid using tampons, as they contain additives that can injure the lining of the vagina.
Discontinue use of contraceptive diaphragms, oral contraceptives, and other chemicals used in the vaginal area.
Discontinue use of deodorant soaps. | Dr. Gary Null See book keywords and concepts | In fact, studies reveal that as little as 15 ounces of cranberry juice cause an 80 percent inhibition of bacterial growth. Bacteria loses its ability to cling to the bladder wall, and must exit the system along with urine. Other research indicates that cranberry juice combined with vitamin C acidifies the urine further. The effect is therefore much greater when both are taken together. other drinks. Other drinks useful for temporarily acidifying the urine include lemon juice and water, buttermilk, or simply mixing two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water. | Dian Dincin Buchman, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | An experimental study in the journal Urology shows that cranberry juice or extract may reduce urinary calcium. One can avoid the sugar in most cranberry juice drinks by taking freeze-dried tablets or capsules. These are obtainable in health food stores.
Rose hip tea appears to be beneficial in reducing calcium oxalate. Drinking raw vegetable juices is also beneficial.
At the turn of the nineteenth-to-the-twentieth century hydrotherapy was used by many outstanding physicians. The early twentieth-century healers George Starr White, M.D. and J. H. Tilden, M.D. | Jeremy P. Tarcher See book keywords and concepts | Dozens of men, some sitting and others standing, most bearded, all wearing colorful turbans—apricot, cranberry, lavender, gold, pink, orange—fill the porch around Anna and me.
As Jafri and Sumel explain who we are and what we want to know, we can make out only a few words—soya, neem, Pepsi. The windup seems to go on forever, but the intensity of the men's expressions and their alertness despite the choking heat convince me that they're hanging on every word.
I search the faces, trying to imagine what they are thinking. We already know enough to realize we're looking at desperate men. | Bill Gottlieb See book keywords and concepts | CRANBERRY OR BLUEBERRY: An Off-the-Wall Remedy
A component of cranberry and blueberry juice stops E. coli bacteria from sticking to bladder walls, thus helping to heal the infection quickly, Dr. Bock says. A benefit is that the juices don't work by acidifying the urine, he says, which is good because alkaline urine (the chemical opposite of acid) is more beneficial for beating bladder infections.
He recommends drinking 24 ounces of unsweetened juice a day in three 8-ounce servings. Sugar depresses the immune system, so don't use sweetened brands. | H. Winter Griffith, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Drink cranberry juice or eat prunes or plums to help make urine more acid.
Allopurinol Decreased allopurinol effect.
Amantadine Increased atropine and belladonna effect.
Decreased salicylate and methenamine effect.
Increased anticoagulant effect. Abnormal bleeding.
Anticholinergics, other*
Increased atropine and belladonna effect.
Antidepressants, other*
Increased sedation.
Antidiabetics, oral*
Low blood sugar.
Antifungals, azoles
Reduced azole effect. | Michael Castleman See book keywords and concepts | Because cranberry juice helps deodorize urine, a report published in the Journal of Psychiatric Nursing suggested incorporating it into the diet of anyone troubled by urinary incontinence to reduce the embarrassing odor of this problem.
UTIs. During the 1840s, German researchers discovered that the urine of people who ate cranberries contained a bacteria-fighting chemical (hippuric acid). Sixty years later, American researchers speculated that urine acidified by a steady diet of cranberries might prevent UTIs. Women adopted cranberry juice enthusiastically, and several studies endorsed it. | Center for Women's Health at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, recommends cranberry juice to prevent bladder infections and as a complement to antibiotics used to treat the infections. "Cranberry juice seems to inhibit bacterial growth," she explains.
Other physicians now tout feverfew to prevent migraine headache, garlic to control cholesterol, saw palmetto to treat prostate enlargement, willow bark to prevent heart attack and ginger to relieve nausea. | Leo Galland See book keywords and concepts | Do not mix Arctostaphylos uva-ursi with cranberry, because bearberry only works in an alkaline urine and cranberry renders the urine acidic. To achieve an alkaline urine when taking bearberry, avoid consuming meat, fish, poultry, or eggs. Vegetables, fruits, and dairy products create a relatively alkaline urine, because of the way in which they are metabolized in the body. Even orange or grapefruit juice, which are acid when swallowed, tend to create alkalinity in the urinary tract. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (, a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company ( that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (, a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series ( and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at
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...and Adjectives:...and Red ...and Green ...and Fresh ...and Clinical ...and Natural ...and Dried ...and Wild ...and Organic ...and Raw ...and Orange
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...and Plants and Herbs:...and Root ...and Leaves ...and Garlic ...and Oregano ...and Ginger ...and Bark ...and Cayenne ...and Alfalfa ...and Rose ...and Flowers
...and Nutrients:...and Calcium ...and Vitamin C ...and Vitamin ...and Flavonoids ...and Antioxidant ...and Antioxidants ...and Zinc ...and Magnesium ...and Potassium ...and Ascorbic acid
...and Who:...and Women ...and Patients ...and Family ...and Children ...and Men ...and Elderly ...and Adults ...and Practitioners ...and Human ...and Doctors
...and Medical Terms:...and Placebo ...and Double-blind ...and Properties ...and Dose ...and Drops ...and Results ...and Inhibitors ...and Dosage ...and Doses ...and Interactions
...and Macronutrients:...and Fiber ...and Seeds ...and Protein ...and Calories ...and Mineral ...and Carbohydrates ...and Salt ...and Minerals ...and Oils ...and Enzymes
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...and Biological Measures:...and Blood pressure ...and Body weight ...and Height ...and Blood levels ...and Blood cholesterol ...and Heart rate ...and Triglycerides
...and Ingredients:...and Sodium ...and Fructose ...and Preservatives ...and Aspartame ...and Food additives
...and Animals:...and Turkey ...and Cat ...and Mice ...and Rats ...and Cows ...and Dogs ...and Cats ...and Insect ...and Worms ...and Horse
...and When:...and Spring ...and Summer ...and October ...and December ...and July ...and Winter ...and September ...and April ...and At night
...and Supplements:...and Spirulina ...and Lactobacillus ...and Flaxseed oil ...and Coenzyme q10
Related Concepts:
Juice Cranberry juice Cranberries Urine Bacteria Bladder Water Urinary tract Infection Urinary Infections Effect Urinary tract infections Prevent Drink Acid Study Oil Sugar Berries Extract Utis Treatment Bacterial Root Tract Effects Women Fruit Food Blueberry Calcium Berry Red Bladder infections Tea Foods Patients Vitamin C Avoid Juices Body Extracts Vitamin Cells Leaves Uva ursi Studies Green Activity Kidney stones Risk Prevention Fresh E. coli Eat Capsules Drinking Apple People Products Taking Acids Clinical Kidney Garlic Bacteriuria Symptoms Natural Herb Oregano Blood Family Grape Blueberries Dried Wild Helps Increase Organic Fruits Raw Diet Orange Placebo Black Species Plant Antibiotics Flavonoids Herbs Fiber Pain Drinks Recommended Cancer Pineapple Jama Preventing Skin