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Citrus fruits

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Conventional doctors do prescribe a diet free of tyramine (a chemical found in chocolate, citrus fruits, some wines, and aged cheeses that may precipitate migraines), but avoiding tyramine-containing foods is helpful for only a small proportion of migraine patients. On the other hand, an elimination diet designed to identify all offending foods is successful much more often. In a landmark 1979 study, British physician Ellen Grant treated 60 patients who had been suffering recurrent migraines for an average of 18 to 22 years.

The Sunfood Diet Success System

David Wolfe
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Vitamin C is found in many fruits, especially citrus fruits and peppers of all kinds. The best source of vitamin E is the avocado, olives, and mechanically separated raw rice bran. This lesson is about minerals, because it has been my experience, in studying nutrition, that minerals are far more important than vitamins. Colloids are the mineral building blocks of the body. A colloid is a mineral suspended in solution with energy, They are extremely small and resist the pull of gravity. They conduct electricity throughout the body.

Natural Medicine, Optimal Wellness: The Patient's Guide to Health and Healing

Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. and Alan R. Gaby, M.D.
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Avoid foods that contain ryramine, such as chocolate, citrus fruits, some wines, and aged cheeses. • Supplements: >• Magnesium, 100 to 300 mg twice a day. For acute treatment, intravenous administration of magnesium (plus other nutrients including B-vitamins, vitamin C, and calcium) may be effective. >• Riboflavin, 100 to 400 mg per day. >• Feverfew, in selected cases; dosage varies according to the preparation used. Other Recommendations: • Avoid cigarettes and birth-control pills. Multiple Sclerosis -Ttf* multiple sclerosis (ms) is one of the most common neurological conditions.

The Sunfood Diet Success System

David Wolfe
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The more ripe and Sun-exposed the citrus fruits, the sweeter and less acidic are its contents. Common vegetables which are close to the wild state and/or are extremely viable when grown from seed include: dandelion, garlic, kale, lamb's quarters, malva, mint, mustard, onions, watercress, wintercress and others. One of my favorite wild foods is malva (mallow). Malva seems to love growing on the outskirts of civilization - in canyons, back alleys and back yards. Malva is one of those phenomenal greens that tastes incredible when eaten alone.

Natural Medicine, Optimal Wellness: The Patient's Guide to Health and Healing

Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. and Alan R. Gaby, M.D.
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As with other food-allergic conditions, the most common symptom-evoking foods are sugar, dairy products, wheat, corn, egg, citrus fruits, and chocolate. I typically recommend an elimination diet, in which all the common allergens are avoided simultaneously. In most cases, the symptoms improve or disappear within 3 weeks. At that point, foods are tested individually, watching for a recurrence of symptoms with each food challenge. One of the elimination diets I have used in my practice is presented in appendix A.

Toxic Overload: A Doctor's Plan for Combating the Illnesses Caused by Chemicals in Our Foods, Our Homes, and Our Medicine Cabinets

Dr. Paula Baillie-Hamilton
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Vitamin C is naturally found in peppers, citrus fruits, tomatoes, melons, broccoli, and green leafy vegetables such as spinach, and turnip and mustard greens. However, don't rely on eating an orange a day to give you enough of this nutrient as one study showed that "fresh" oranges bought from some vendors contained no vitamin C at all due to to the excessive amount of time they had been stored. So to ensure you get all the vitamin C you need, it's best to supplement your diet.

Prescription for Natural Cures: A Self-Care Guide for Treating Health Problems with Natural Remedies Including Diet and Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, Bodywork, and More

James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D.
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Food that's high in vitamin C will encourage the release of thdse toxins from the body, so feed your child citrus fruits for dessert. Iron deficiency is linked to short attention spans and memory problems. If a blood test finds an iron deficiency, a daily tablespoon of unsulfured blackstrap molasses is a naturally sweet way to give your child an adequate amount of this mineral. Tryptophan encourages the production of serotonin, a chemical th4t produces a sense of calm. Incorporate soy products, live| unsweetened yogurt, whole grains, and organic turkey and chicken into meals and snacks.
Brussels sprouts, broccoli, potatoes, and many citrus fruits are good sources of vitamin C. Food to Avoid Reduce or eliminate sugars, as they interrupt Avoid saturated, hydrogenated, and processed foods, as they interfere with| the healing of tissue. l)rans-fatty acids found in meat and packaged the healing of cells. Super Seven Prescriptions—Bruises Super Prescription #1 Homeopath ic Arnica (Arnica montana) Take a 30C potency four times daily for five days. Arnica is a specific remedy for healing bruises and soft tissue injur es.
These carotenoids have been rejjorted Egg yolks are also rich in carotenoips Vitamin C and bioflavonoids work addition, they improve the tissues and bioflavonoids include berries, cherries plenty of citrus fruits. Study People who consume small amounts of fruits and vegetables and those with low blood levels of antioxidants have been reported to be at high risk for cataracts. all or Food to Avoid Banish from your diet urated hydrogenated and processed foods, tion.
Food to Avoid Investigate the possibility of food allergies, especially to dairy, wheat, sugar, citrus fruits, soy, eggs, or chocolate. See the Food Allergies section, especially the elimination diet on page 253, for further advice. If you discover a trigger food, remove it from your diet. If ear infections recur or are chronic, suspend the consumption of dairy products indefinitely. For infants and young children who are bottle-fed, replace the regular cow's milk formula with a hypoallergenic/predigested formula.

The Sunfood Diet Success System

David Wolfe
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If you buy citrus fruits in the store, leave them outside under the Sun if possible, or in the windowsill to allow them to reach their full ripeness). Olives must be picked fresh and Sun-ripened. As the olive ripens in the Sun, the bitter component (oleuropein) is converted and the fruit suddenly becomes edible! The black olives commonly grown in the United States and the Mediterranean reach their ripe maturity when the fruit softens and the internal flesh of the fruit changes from white or red to brown or black. The olive skin may begin wrinkling at this stage as well.

Foods that Fight Cancer

Richard Beliveau, Ph.D. and Denis Gingras, Ph.D.
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The interaction of citrus fruits with these systems is nicely illustrated by the surprising effect that grapefruit juice can have on the metabolism of certain drugs. In the course of a study intended to determine the impact of alcohol on the effectiveness of a commonly prescribed cardiac arrhythmia medication, researchers accidentally discovered that the grapefruit juice used to mask the taste of the alcohol was responsible for doubling the amount of medication in the bloodstream, and increasing the number and severity of side effects.

Naturopathic Nutrition: A Guide to Nutrient-rich Food & Nutritional Supplements for Optimum Health

Abram Hoffer, PhD, MD, FRCP(C) and Dr. Jonathan Prousjy, DPHE, DSC, ND, FRSH
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The British Navy began to issue limes to their sailors 40 years after Dr James Lind proved that citrus fruits cured and prevented scurvy. During those 40 years, the Navy lost 100,000 seamen from scurvy. How many schizophrenics today are being condemned to permanent and debilitating disease for the rest of their lives because of this slow pace in accepting new treatments? We must develop a mechanism by which new discoveries are promptly used in all of medicine. This should not be beyond the wit of humanity.

Toxic Overload: A Doctor's Plan for Combating the Illnesses Caused by Chemicals in Our Foods, Our Homes, and Our Medicine Cabinets

Dr. Paula Baillie-Hamilton
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As they are added to foods after harvesting, in the form of fungicides, they tend to be present in relatively large quantities in a wide range of foods including potatoes, citrus fruits, peanuts, and tomatoes. Their health risk to the average person on a nonorganic diet is moderate to high. Solvents These synthetically manufactured chemicals are widely used in a range of products, including many volatile organic compounds, or VOCs.

The Sunfood Diet Success System

David Wolfe
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These alkaline citrus fruits are internal cleansers and help to alleviate internal debris, even in the fine capillaries of the eye. This is an excellent drink to use on a juice fast. Rejuvenator 1 bunch of kale 4-6 ribs of celery 1 cucumber 1 burdock root 1 lemon 1-2 apples (optional) Burdock root is a blood purifier and an excellent base to help the body create hormones. Burdock contains one of the highest amounts of organic iron in any food. Kale provides a dense source of alkaline minerals. Cucumber and celery soften the taste. The lemon should be shaved down to the white pith.
They are acid in digestion (like citrus fruits), but alkaline in the tissues if broken down properly. I have found they balance against phosphorus foods, such as avocados and nuts. The fact that Brook includes animal foods and cooked foods in his chart can be helpful to nutritional researchers. The chart is primarily included to help people make the transition into a raw plant-food regime while feeling balanced and healthy. The philosopher Spencer wrote that perfect correspondence always prevails in Nature - one thing is always balanced by another.

Prescription for Natural Cures: A Self-Care Guide for Treating Health Problems with Natural Remedies Including Diet and Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, Bodywork, and More

James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D.
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Acidic foods, such as grapefruit, tomatoes, oranges, and other citrus fruits, may aggravate cold sores and should be avoided during an outbreak. Testing Techniques n one double-blind trial, topical application of an extract of lemon-balm cream, applied four times daily for five days, led to significantly fewer symptoms and fewer cold sore blisters than experienced by people using a placebo cream. Lemon balm has also been shown to help prevent recurrence of cold sores.

Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes: The Scientifically Proven System for Reversing Diabetes Without Drugs

Neal D. Barnard and Bryanna Clark Grogan
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Vitamin C is in citrus fruits, of course, but also in many other fruits and vegetables. And whole grains, vegetables, and beans are healthful sources of vitamin E. At the University of Toronto, Dr. David Jenkins took this approach to its ultimate conclusion.

The Edge Effect: Achieve Total Health and Longevity with the Balanced Brain Advantage

Eric R. Braverman
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Oranges, citrus fruits (210 mg.) Potato (830 mg.) Rice bran (3.7 g.) Spinach (680 mg.) Walnuts, tree nuts (5.4 g.) Whole wheat, whole grain (8.6 g.) amazed at how calm and relaxed you are at the end of the day. You'll fall asleep easily, sleep undisturbed, and awaken fully rested. DAY 1 BREAKFAST l/i cup whole-grain cereal mixed with yi? cup bananas, J/3 cup cantaloupe, y-i cup oranges, and 1/a cup almonds. Finish with raspberry herbal tea. LUNCH 8 oz. grilled liver with 4 oz. multicolored vegetable salad with olive oil and vinegar and 1 slice whole-grain bread.

Anti-Aging Manual: The Encyclopedia of Natural Health

Joseph E. Mario
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Sufferers have low Basophils and Lymphocytes' Immunity; 2/3 have favorite food allergies to tyram ines in red wine, nuts, navy beans, chocolate, aged cheeses, sour cream and yogurt, pickles, salad dressings, bacon; saturated fat and fried foods, spices Bay, Chil i, and Cinnamon; citrus fruits; asparagus, eggplant, onions, coffee; oral contraceptives and estrogen drugs, nitrates in ham and cold cuts, monosodium glutamate; barometric pressure or wind conditions; strong perfumes; bright lights (wear sunglasses); altitude changes (take a diuretic the day before); irregular eating or sleeping.
Black Currants have Vitamin C and Pectin; lower LDLs after 6 weeks with Raspberries, Blackberries, Strawberries, Tomatoes, and citrus fruits. Onion, Garlic, Ginger, Carrageenan, Fenugreek seeds. Fibers and plant Sterols: Oat bran (20%), Psyllium husks, Guar gum (25%), Alfalfa and Grapefruit Pectin may lower cholesterol 10-30% in 4-12 weeks. 1.5 oz. daily of Oat, Rice, and Barley brans lowered cholesterol 8-15%, which stayed lowered for 5 weeks after discontinuance. 15 grams appleorcitrus Pectin with450mg. VitaminC lowers liverandbloodcholesterol.
Citrate is a substance normally found in urine, deficient in Kidney stones; take citrus fruits' Potassium Citrate in 3 glasses/1.2 liters of orange juice per day to inhibit stone development. The Kidneys excrete 100-200mg.of Calcium per day; kidney stones are 90% Calcium Phosphate, Calcium oxalate (acidify with Vitamin C and no sugar), or a mix from possible overactive parathyroid glands. Avoid oxalate foods and dairy. Take25mg.B6and2mg. VitaminKtocounteroxalicacid; and 600 mg. Magnesium Oxide for solubility. Alkaline pH infection and stonesare Magnesium ammonia Phosphate; acidify the urine.
Avoid fats and fatty foods, sugar, candy, preserves, sweetcakes, sweetmeats, peppermint, spearmint, garlic, onions, alcohol, nicotine, chocolate, citrus fruits, ascorbic acid acidity, tomatoes, coffee, tea, cola, very hot foods, pickles; drugs, progesterone.antibioticstetracycline, asthma drugs theophylline, heart medications; pressure from obesity; eat smaller meals (for less acidity) in a relaxed atmosphere at regulartimes. Do not eat before going to bed, and raise the head ofthe bed so acids will not regurgitate as readily.

Beat Diabetes Naturally: The Best Foods, Herbs, Supplements, and Lifestyle Strategies to Optimize Your Diabetes Care

Michael T. Murray
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Good dietary sources of flavonoids include citrus fruits, berries, onions, parsley, legumes, green tea, and red wine. Flavonoids are extremely important in the prevention of chronic conditions such as cancer and heart disease. They are also very important in preventing some of the complications of diabetes. how to eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables To reach your daily quota of vegetables (3 to 4 servings) and fruit (2 to 3 servings) you first need to know what constitutes a serving. A serving equals Table 5.3.
While most people think of citrus fruits as the best source of vitamin C, vegetables also contain high levels, especially broccoli, bell peppers, potatoes, and Brussels sprouts. vitamin e Vitamin E functions primarily as an antioxidant in protecting against damage to the cell membranes. Without vitamin E, the cells of the body would be quite susceptible to damage. Nerve cells are particularly vulnerable. Vitamin E supplementation or a high-vitamin-E diet has been shown to protect against many common health conditions, including diabetes.
Special foods for people with high blood pressure include celery, garlic and onions, nuts and seeds or their oils for their essential fatty acid content, cold-water fish (salmon, mackerel, and so on) or fish oil products concentrated for EPA and DHA, green leafy vegetables for their rich source of calcium and magnesium, whole grains and legumes for their fiber, and foods rich in vitamin C such as broccoli and citrus fruits. Celery is a particularly interesting recommendation for high blood pressure.

The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health

T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. and Thomas M. Campbell II
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In the 1970s and 1980s, I appeared in a television ad for citrus fruits. A New York public relations firm for the Florida Citrus Commission had earlier interviewed me about fruit, nutrition and health. This interview, unknown to me at the time, was the source of my presence on the ad. I had not seen the ad and I did not get paid for it, but, nonetheless, I was one of the talking heads that helped the Florida Citrus Commission build its case for the vitamin C content of oranges. Why did I do the interview?

Feed Your Genes Right: Eat to Turn Off Disease-Causing Genes and Slow Down Aging

Jack Challem
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Citrus Flavonoids Lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruit, and other citrus fruits are rich sources of flavonoids. Most of these flavonoids are found in the internal membranes of the fruits and in the bitter rind. Cell studies have found that a flavonoid called naringin, found principally in grapefruit, can protect bone-cell chromosomes from radiation damage. This characteristic, if true in humans, would lower the risk of leukemia. Other studies have found that naringenin, a closely related compound, can inhibit the growth of colon- and breast-cancer cells.

Dr. McDougall's Digestive Tune-Up

John A. McDougall
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Prunes þCranberries *Avoid all citrus fruits (including oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons, and limes) and tomatoes. condiments Only salt is allowed (if not restricted for other health reasons). This means no salad dressings, mustard, lemon juice, vinegar, pepper, or other condiments. beverages Water (sparkling water is OK) After one week with your digestive system free of offensive foods, you should be feeling well. If this is the case, you can begin adding other foods back to your diet—but be sure to add only one new food item at a time.

The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health

T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. and Thomas M. Campbell II
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Green leafy vegetables, carrots and citrus fruits are all good sources. Herein lies a problem, however. Among the hundreds (maybe thousands) of antioxidant carotenoids in these foods, only a dozen or so have been studied in relation to their biological effects. The abilities of these chemicals to scavenge and reduce free radical damage are well established, but the activities of the individual carotenoids vary enormously depending on dietary and lifestyle conditions. Such variations make it virtually impossible to predict their individual activities, either good or bad.

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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Lactobacillus
...and Coenzyme q10

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Related Concepts:

Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Fruits and vegetables
Dairy products
Heart disease